Центрально-Азиатский Институт прикладных Исследований Земли (ЦАИИЗ)

Центрально-Азиатский Институт прикладных Исследований Земли (ЦАИИЗ)
Central-Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences (CAIAG)

Aivadj (AYVA)


Common information

  • Aivadj Station (AYVA) is located in Tajikistan 30 km south of Shartuz on the border with Afghanistan
  • Coordinates N 36.97912°and E 68.02351°
  • Height above sea level  274 m
  • Installed by CAWa project in  04.06.2012

Station control and power supply

  • Computer on base PC-104
  • Management of separate device power
  • Autonomic system of power suply from 6 panels and 6 batarries

GNSS station

  • Receiver  Septentrio NV AsteRx2e HDC v3
  • Antenna navXperience
  • Antenna height 0.0.
  • Data downloading with use COM port

Meteo station

Hydro station

  • River Water Velocity Sensor Sommer RQ-24
  • Water surface level sensor Sommer RQ-24

Data transfer system

  • Main satellite system VSAT with router iDirect 3000
  • Reserve satellite system Iridium

Meteorological data available in sensor data storage system

GNSS Stations

GNSS Stations
Alai (ALAI)
GNSS Stations
Alai-1 (ALA1)
GNSS Stations
Alai-2 (ALA2)
GNSS Stations
Alai -3 (ALA3)
GNSS Stations
Alai-4 (ALA4)
GNSS Stations
Alai-5 (ALA5)
GNSS Stations
Alai-6 (ALA6)
GNSS Stations
Sary-Tash (SARY)
GNSS Stations
Sary-Tash -1 (SAR1)
GNSS Stations
Sary-Tash -2 (SAR2)
GNSS Stations
Tash-Kumyr (TKUM)
GNSS Stations
Arslanbob (ARSL)
GNSS Stations
Kara-Batkak (KRBK)
GNSS Stations
Kerege-Tash ( KRGT)
GNSS Stations
Bishkek-0 (BIK0)

Hydrometeorological stations

Hydrometeorological stations
Merzbacher-1 (MRZ1)
Hydrometeorological stations
Dupuli (DUPU)
Hydrometeorological stations
Pamir, Hijez (PAMH)
Hydrometeorological stations
At-Bashy (ATBS)
Hydrometeorological stations
Kabul (KABU)
Hydrometeorological stations
Zorka (ZOKA)
Hydrometeorological stations
Balykchy (BALY)
Hydrometeorological stations
Kumbel (KMBL)
Hydrometeorological stations
Aksai (ASAI)
Hydrometeorological stations
Maidanak (MADK)
Hydrometeorological stations
Maidantal (MTAL)
Hydrometeorological stations
Taragai (TARA)
Hydrometeorological stations
Abramov Glacier (ABRA)
Hydrometeorological stations
Kokomeren (KEKI)
Hydrometeorological stations
Golubin Glacier (GOLU)
Hydrometeorological stations
Baitik (HM01)
Hydrometeorological stations
Aivadj (AYVA)

Dust monitoring stations

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Central-Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences

Kyrgyz Republic
720027 Bishkek
Timur Frunze Rd.73/2

Site Map
Stay in touch

+996 312 555111
+996 312 555222