The Second training on Information System “Water management”

From February 26 to March 6 CAIAG hold second training on IS “Water management” and “ 2TP – Vodhoz”for specialists water management regional and oblast level of Department of Water Management and Irrigation.

Targeted to more quality use of Information System on water CAIAG, as part of the project maintenance phase under contract # NWRMP / CS / CQS / C.1 / 03, conducted the Second Training on Water Management and 2TP-Vodkhoz IS for specialists of water management departments of the regional and regional DWMandI ( Department of Water Management and Irrigation) levels in the following terms:

  1. For Issyk-Kul and Naryn oblast on February 26-27 in Bishkek;
  2.  For Chui and Talas oblast  on February 28-29 in Bishkek;
  3. For Jalal-Abad, Osh and Batken oblast  on March 5-6 in Osh.

The information system on  water management (ISW) “Water management”, “ABP” and “2TP- Vodhoz” – are comparative systems aimed for better conducting, planning and and accounting for irrigation water supply to water users, working with water user associations and preparing reports on water use in Kyrgyzstan. The WIS data is created for use in the units of the Department of Water Management and Land Reclamation (DWHiM) of the Kyrgyz Republic at various levels of management: regional  (RDWM), basin (BDWM) and the Central Headquarters of DWMandI.

Development of ISW conducted within the project of World Bank “ Management of national resources –Faza 1”, Grant № TF016315 for Department of Water management and Irrigation of Kyrgyz Republic by Central Asian Institute for  Applied Geosciences.

First training on train specialists  of RDWM and BDWM on Water management skills around the oblasts of Kyrgyzstan hold on September 2018.

Информационные системы по воде (ИСВ) «Водопользование», «АВП» и «2ТП-Водхоз» - корпоративные системы, предназначенные для лучшей организации, планирования и учета подачи поливной воды водопользователям, работы с ассоциациями водопользователей и подготовки отчетности по использованию воды в Кыргызстане. Данные ИСВ созданы для использования в подразделениях Департамента водного хозяйства и мелиорации (ДВХиМ) Кыргызской республики различного уровня управления: районного (РУВХ), бассейнового (БУВХ) и Центрального аппарата ДВХиМ.  Information Systems of Water  (ISW) “Water Management”, “ABP” and “2TP-Vodkhoz” are corporate systems designed to better organize, plan and record irrigation water supply to water users, work with water user associations and prepare reports on water use in Kyrgyzstan. The ISW data is created for use in the units of the Department of Water Management and Irrigation (DWMandI) of the Kyrgyz Republic at various levels of management: regional (RDWM), basin (BDWM) and the Central Headquarters of DWMandI.

The ISW was developed under the World Bank's National Water Resources Management - Phase 1 project, Grant No. TF016315 for the Department of Water Management and Irrigation (DWMandI) of the Kyrgyz Republic, by the Central Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences.

The first training on specialists train on RDWM and BDWM hold on September in 2018 around the oblasts of Kyrgyzstan.